Berm concept drawing 2013

May, 2014 Berm Building

Dr. Tom Wharton 1946 – April 13, 2017
Dr. Tom Wharton Jr. passed away April 13, 2017 surrounded by his family. He was a graduate of Yale University and Washington University at St. Louis. He was a cardiologist at Exeter Hospital, Exeter, NH. To acknowledge the tremendous impact he had on Exeter Hospital and the communities he served, Exeter Hospital named it’s interventional cardiovascular lab the “Thomas P. Wharton Jr. Cardiovascular Suite.”
Tom was an active member of the Exeter Sportsman’s Club and played a key role in communications, firearms safety and would be seen at the Annual Fishing Derby patrolling the grounds as Davy Crockett.
Excerpts from Boston Globe on July 28, 2017